About This Content Meet the real classics.The Gage Historical Pack DLC is the 12th DLC pack for PAYDAY 2 and adds a variety of historical weapons so you can heist as if it was World War II.Four new ranged weapons, four new melee weapons, twice the weapon slots, a host of mods, four new masks, patterns and materials are also included.Key Features•Four historic weapons – Time to crack open the crate and take a closer look at the vintage merchandise. Ah, the memories! You'll notice that there's a little bit of everything for everyone in this shipment - there's an SMG, a sniper rifle, an LMG and a pistol. No matter what side you were on, there's something for you in this pack.•Four new melee weapons – What would a Gage Weapon Pack be without additional tools so you can kill people in a melee? Real soldiers back when used anything they could grab to kill the enemy. Things like a Potato Masher (actually a grenade), the Spear of Freedom (actually a flag) and two more essential things from the period.•Four new masks – The day is finally here. Gage has kept these masks for himself for a long time. Too long! The time has now come for you to wear these faces of old.•Four new materials and patterns – What better to go together with four old and dusty masks than four patterns and materials from the same era? Behold such historic beauties like Captain War, Dazzle, Death Dealer, Patriot or the Red Sun, to name a few.•5 new achievements to unlock – You thought achievements were old news!? Think again! These achievements will make you think that you're back in the golden age of achievements, when people actually thought they were going to be worth a damn. Enjoy five exciting challenges that will make you come back for your PAYDAY, too.•Double the weapon slots – Free for everyone, enjoy twice the amount of weapon slots so you can use even more weapons while robbing banks with your friends. 7aa9394dea Title: PAYDAY 2: Gage Historical PackGenre: Action, RPGDeveloper:OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.Publisher:505 GamesRelease Date: 13 Nov, 2014 PAYDAY 2: Gage Historical Pack Free Download [portable] Overall it has a little of everything in relation to guns. A shame the bayonette can't attach to other weapons. The masks and patterns are sweet.I'd rate this a 1939\/1945. MG42 is love, MG42 is life. You can make Han Solo's Blaster from Star wars. You can also make the stormtrooper gun from Star Wars with attachments...and miss every shot.11\/10. YOU GET TO STAB PEOPLE WITH THE AMERICAN FLAG 10\/10. I didn't understand how you could possibly have a "Historical Pack" without the inclusion of an M1 Thompson. I then contemplated why I couldn't possibly understand this, made an angry post on the forum about it, got incomprehensible replies on the forum, made an angry post about my angry post, then cried myself to sleep whilst playing with other users who were also using the new historical weapons, having a genuinley good time during the hiest.I then completeley forgot about my irrational anger about the M1 Thompson not being included.I then looked at the clock and realized I had been playing PAYDAY 2 for the past 6 hours, missing an important assignment deadline for work.This DLC pack ruined my life.10 \/ 10, would buy again.. I don't usually enjoy using LMGs(since I enjoy compact guns\/long range rifles) I used the Mauser(I can't remember if it was called the Type 17 pistol or what), Sten, and the Mosin NagantThe Mosin, overall is a good gun, like I usually run a akimbo build, and it was really akward going back into precision aiming, but after my first 10 kills, running the mosin with iron sights was actually enjoyable.Mauser is good with iron sights(didn't get to add any attachements cause just tested them on HOTLINE MIAMI on hard difficulty). It is low recoil, and easily spammable since it has low spread.Buzzsaw, like most LMG's, are very hard to aim unless fired in short bursts, or using a good enforcer build.Sten is good too. Nothing much to say about it, it is overall a good gun, it is a good replacement to the Swedish "Grease Gun" style SMG, but I rather use the Sten than that.http:\/\/steamcommunity.com\/profiles\/76561197970498956\/recommended\/331900 Don't be this guy btw, he got mad at a 1 second reload animation, and didn't recommend it solely for that reason, yet these guns are actually fun to use.If you enjoy AR\/Sniper gameplay, or run Mastermind, this pack is for you, even if LMG is the best one yet.Remember kids; No one gives a\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665to a M1A1 Tompson, just because you saw it in Rising Storm or a old CoD game, doesn't make it the best gun ever, it is lots of recoil and I enjoyed that Overkill didn't add it because hype train, instead added the best loud and heavy melee ever, a american flag spear.10\/10 would breakout hoxton as General Patton. Got a lot of use out of the Pratchett smg and Mosin-Nagant sniper.. Overkill, Overkill, shut up and take my moneyNew guns are always awesome. MG42 has a wicked rof, Nagant has \/k\/ creaming themselves, Sterling takes the crown from the Uzi as best smg and the C96 Mauser is a C96 Mauser.The new masks and materials are pretty sweet. Patton is my favorite of the four.Okay so here's my \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665fest:Potato Masher - Come on, it's a grenade, why can't we throw it like one? Nagant - Overkill really dropped the ball with no Obrez configuration. C96 Mauser - bonus points for Han's DL44, penalty points for no M712 (automatic version)All in all it's a great pack to buy for a new player. You get a lmg, a sniper rifle, a deathwish-viable secondary in the sterling smg and Han Solo's blaster. If you're an achievement \u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665\u2665, buy it now, otherwise buy it on sale.
PAYDAY 2: Gage Historical Pack Free Download [portable]
Updated: Mar 25, 2020